Evan Kapros

Strategic Designer & Researcher on HCI, UX, and Ethics. CEO and founder of Endurae, where we Design Multimodal Learning Experiences. Strategic Advisor with Project Arc.

I help organisations design end-to-end complex and ethical experiences and interactions with information systems, processes, and services. I also give talks and run workshops. Hire me.

Research & Design

D4CR @ Designit Copenhagen January — 2019

Find out more about what my Research & Design process looks like and about the benefits of my methodology.

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Systems & Ethics

D4CR @ Designit Copenhagen January — 2019

What systems is my work best for? Read about examples of previous projects I have helped succeed.

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Consulting & Mentoring

d4CR @ Designit Copenhagen January — 2019

Learn about how to work with me. See the different services I offer and my specific expertise.

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About me

@ Mata Atlântica January — 2022

This is one of the hardest parts for me to write. I am based in Barcelona, and at some point I had an FAQ!

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Research & Design

I Research, Analyse, and Synthesise Strategic UX Design for complex systems. I understand Strategic UX not primarily as UX that makes the users conform to a business case, but mostly as a strategy for business change according to user needs and "big picture" systemic challenges. I am influenced* by the Helsinki Design Lab and their Design Studio model for strategic design for systemic change.

My key objectives when I run a Design Studio:

  • Bring clarity and focus to the project;
  • Distill the purpose of the project;
  • Systematically synthesise the needs of all stakeholders;
  • Translate needs into a concept, product, system, or change design;
  • Stay focused and poised while facing uncertainty.

Clients and colleagues consider this focus and poise my "design superpower":

"Evan [...] is an excellent designer with deep knowledge and skills. He is a strong communicator who is able to express his knowledge or opinion in a thoughtful, respectful manner. He is also extremely creative [...], looking from angles that everyone else has overlooked and able to grasp complex concepts and create something that people will just ‘get’. On top of that, he works very hard, is well able to prioritise his work, and gets things done. Evan is simply a delight to work with."

Mirjam NeelenHead of Global Learning Design in Novartis, ex Accenture, Google

Hands of participants of the D4CR workshop in Copenhagen 2019 drawing a diagram

Concerning the tools I use to run a Design Studio, I have some favourites but I am flexible. Usually the needs of the project dictate what to use, when, and why. For some projects I even had to learn new tools, which makes work more fun!

Some of the tools I use to analyse and syntehsise results:

  • Systems design (stakeholder mapping, UML, etc.);
  • Workshop facilitation methods (e.g., from Hyper Island Toolbox);
  • User research methods (interviews, observation, etc.);
  • Qualitative analysis (Narrative Inquiry, theme coding, etc.);
  • Usability evaluations (SUS, SUPR-Q, Heuristic evaluations, etc.);
  • Data analysis (regression, clustering, etc.);
  • Desk studies (state-of-the-art/market);
  • Data visualisation (static, descriptive);
  • User interface design (wireframes, information architecture, user flows, etc.);
  • Impact assessments for algorithmic auditing;
  • Others depending on the project's needs.

I have applied these tools for around 20 years in projects for industry, academia, partnerships between the two, and non-profits alike. A Design Studio takes longer than a Design Sprint, and needs more preparation. Therefore initially it may seem like a waste of time and effort. However, the return on the investment is multiple, as the result is not just an artefact (app, MVP, UI), but a longer term systemic approach on how to solve a problem. And yes, this might include artefacts such as apps, chatbots, UIs, etc.

Ready to talk to me? Find me at: EnduraeLinkedInemail

* Literally just influenced by the Helsinki Design Lab—I did not adopt its methods uncritically. I have my critique of their model and try to implement it better, but in my experience and humble opinion it strikes a useful and practical balance between the old, slow waterfall models and how hastily much of "Design Thinking" is being applied nowadays even for complex systems.

Systems & Ethics

I have worked on various capacities on Strategic UX Research & Design for around 20 years with clients in different areas, for example:

  • Industry — Accenture, Microsoft, Intel, Houghton Mifflin Hartcourt, Tata Consulting Services, Google, the Bank of New York Mellon, and others;
  • Academia — Trinity College - the University of Dublin, Universitat de Barcelona, Tallinn University, Politécnico do Santarém, and others;
  • Non profits — Science Gallery, Medialab Prado, Ecoserveis, TDM International, Designing for Children's Rights, Mozaika, and others.

I have mostly worked on Educational Technology, from pre-K to Corporate Training. Despite that the vast majority of my work is in this area, the necessity for strong ethical requirements in EdTech projects has led to undertaking several projects related to other sectors with strong ethics, such as medicine, security, animation, publishing, algorithms & AI auditing.

A board with post-its at the D4CR workshop in Copenhagen 2019

I typically work with:

  • Multiple Projects — I have routinely led the design of multiple projects (3 to 8) simultaneously.
  • Multidisciplinary Teams — All projects were accomplished with the collaboration of domain experts and technologists.
  • Diverse Stakeholders — Communications with industry partners and other stakeholders has been key.

While I do understand the need for speedy iterations in modern tech, "move fast and break things" comes with a cost; "move slow and fix things" also has its place in ethical systems design.

Ready to talk to me? Find me at: EnduraeLinkedInemail

Consulting & Mentoring

I have worked on 40+ industry-academia PPPs including with companies such as Google, Microsoft, Intel, Samsung, and others, and universities such as Trinity College Dublin, Universitat de Barcelona, Aalto University, and others. These projects have forged my consulting skills over the decades.

I typically work with:

  • Multiple Projects — I have routinely led the design of multiple projects (3 to 8) simultaneously.
  • Multidisciplinary Teams — All projects were accomplished with the collaboration of domain experts and technologists.
  • Diverse Stakeholders — Communications with industry partners and other stakeholders has been key.
Evan Kapros presenting a project in Copenhagen

I also have a permanent agreement as Strategic Advisor with Project Arc concerning consulting on project preparation, execution, and sustainability. Proposal writing coordination, project planning, facilitating workshops and trainings, and evaluations are part of my specialties.

Finally, my Teaching and student Mentoring experience has seen me design or teach courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels and supervising students projects and theses at Trinity College Dublin, Istituto Europeo di Design—Escola Superior, the Interaction Design Foundation, EU Business School, OpenClassrooms, the University of the Aegean, and elsewhere.

Ready to talk to me? Find me at: EnduraeLinkedInemail

About me

I started out as an Information Systems Analyst and Designer or Information Engineer, which shows my age. :) I am a member of the ACM and the EFF. I am based in Barcelona, and at some point I had an FAQ explaining my design and/or project philosophy.

I volunteer in advocacy projects concerning Tech and Human Rights, including tech and immigration, antisemitism, defence, children's rights, etc.

Evan Kapros in Mata Atlantica, Brazil

I use LinkedIn for professional digital networking. My personal social media is @ekapros at mastodon.social, with the bio: Design, Electronic Music, Philosophy. Curador de mate. כולנו אבודים בחלל. HCI & UX for EdTech Founder @EnduraeVoice and Adjunct Professor @iedbarcelona.

I am trying to learn some woodwind instruments, the Arturia Microfreak, and the Solar 42f. I am a polyglot, but I don't get to practice the 7-8 languages I speak a bit as much as I would like to. I have done developmental editing for science fiction and fantasy books, and animation pitches. I have also given casual talks on Ursula Le Guin, Hannah Arendt, and Cornelius Castoriadis. <3

I am uncomfortable with the modern idea that to survive in the marketplace we all must become "personal brands", and I always find these segments very awkward to write. I hope it was a bit enjoyable to read though!

Ready to talk to me? Find me at: EnduraeLinkedInemail